Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Operation: Fast and Fail!

I read an article on that talks about “Operation: Fast and Furious.” This was an operation that started back in 2009 by the Bureau of ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) that let firearms “walk” into the hands of the Mexican Drug Cartels. The plan was to track these weapons and see who and where they would lead the ATF agents in the hopes of fighting the war on these cartels. Unfortunately, the ATF lost the trail and the guns would end up at murder scenes and a tragic shootout that happened in Arizona. This story caught my attention mostly because it spoke about firearms and our government; two things that never go good together. The claims that the author makes are based on facts about how the government has done nothing but lied about events that have unfolded in this so called operation. Every time that someone lied about the events of this operation, someone else has uncovered the truth. What does this do for the civilians that read these stories? For me, it makes me not trust our government even more. I agree with the author when they state  “With a few exceptions, fights over executive privilege between the White House and Congress have historically been resolved through negotiations that give investigators access to what they need while preserving the confidentiality of sensitive information. That should be the goal in this case, too.” It has been the way of the past, why should it change now? By president Obama asserting “executive privilege” only makes him look like a crook just like the rest of them. By going about this the way he is, it makes it look like whatever is being covered up, he doesn’t want the citizens of the U.S. to know about it before election time. It’s safe to say that regardless of the information that is being withheld from the public, he never had my vote.

Take it or leave it,

Nicholas J. Quaschnik

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