Finally, a major party is standing up for something that
shouldn't even matter. While I don't fully agree with Democrats, this subject I
do believe in........if only they weren't just doing it for the votes. Multiple
times before, Obama has beat around the bush, stated that he only believes in
civil unions and at times supported gay marriage. Now he's all gung-ho over it.
I've never liked Obama; it's just a personal choice of mine. But this makes me
not like him even more. To me it's more of a mockery than it is actually
backing up a cause. Obama has stated before that he supports gay marriage, but
wants to leave it up to the individual states, but then he doesn't support it
again, and only supports civil unions. His 'evolving' decision is getting
annoying. The only reason he is 'backing' gay marriage this year is for the
votes. I think that it's a smart move, but I also think that what he is doing
it wrong.
One of my best friends is a lesbian. She’s in the military
with me. I would pick her over a straight man to go to war with. Not because of
the stereotype that she’s a butch or crap like that. But because I know that no
matter what, she’s not going to judge me for being straight, she’s got the
heart of a saint, and well, she’s a badass. I went to her ‘civil union’ a
couple months ago. It’s was amazing. I’ve never seen that much love and passion
between two people. Why should they be treated any differently? Her wife has 3
kids from a previous marriage that they are raising together because the father
is a deadbeat dad. You tell me who those kids are better off with?
While that seems like a random rant, there is substance
behind it. I believe that Obama doesn’t care about the true feelings, love,
compassion that gay and lesbians have for one another. I think he only cares
about their vote, then moving on to the next group that he can scam for a vote.
We have a black president, that changed history and many said it would never
happen. It’s a new day and age, lesbian and gays deserve their rights too. If
another woman wants to leave her significant other the house when she passes
away, or her 401k, or add her to her insurance as “spouse”. They should be able
to, but only under the right terms; because the politicians in office truly DO
care about their citizens and their rights, not for another couple years in
Take it or leave it
Nicholas J. Quaschnik
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