Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Immigration Schmimigration!

       I recently read an article on USA Today. It was titled "Evangelicals push Congress for immigration changes" and spoke of religious groups getting together to push for revamped immigration system. The group is calling themselves the "Evangelical Immigration Table" and claims that due to Congress, it is impossible to get any legal immigration legislation to treat illegal immigrants fairly. The article goes on to explain about the DREAM act that was attempted to be put in place by the Bush Administration. This DREAM Act states that it would grant legal status to illegal immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children and have either completed some college or served in the military. Pres. Obama is saying that he supports the DREAM Act and would like to create a comprehensive immigration package. On the flip side, Presidential candidate Mitt Romney stated that he would veto the current DREAM Act but support a version for illegal immigrants who serve in the military. 

       My opinions on this subject are very blunt. Some may find what I say and feel as offensive and if you do, my apologies. When it comes to immigration, I feel that the U.S. Government should stop trying to impress and instead fix the problem. I feel that if you are in the U.S. illegally you should be removed from the country until you can obtain a legal citizenship. I have worked in the law enforcement field and have many friends who work border patrol. When an illegal immigrant is detained, they receive an ICE detainer. What this does is gives ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), the rights to take custody of the illegal immigrant. The illegal immigrant goes through the standard booking process except they are placed on a national database vs. a local or state. The illegal immigrant is then deported from the country. During this time they are informed of the consequences for illegal re-entry. This is considered a Federal offense and will give the up to 5 years in an ICE detention facility. What I want to know if why they are given a second chance? The illegal immigrant already knows what he is doing is wrong, it's just like stealing, you get a ticket or arrested for doing it the first time, not the second. Instead what our country does is gives way for that illegal immigrant to re-enter. Say they don't get caught the second time, they have a child in the U.S. Now that child is entitled to an education and is offered the chance to join our military.  Now how does this affect me or my family? By that child (who is here illegally whether by choice or not) is taking up a seat in my classroom, taking away from my education. Sure that sounds selfish, but that's my opinion. When that illegal immigrant wants to go to college, they are given grants and financial aid and such to do so. I still have to pay for my education, "because my parents make to much money". Then on the topic of the military, as a service member, and knowing and seeing the effects of the downsizing in the military, this is obvious. My fellow citizen has to fight for his job against someone who doesn't deserve to be there. I believe that people can come into our country and compete with me for my job. I don't mind that, just do it legally. I understand it can be a process, but that's life, get over it.

Take it or leave it, 

Nicholas J. Quaschnik

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