Monday, July 30, 2012

Comment on Bianca Tamez' Post

I disagree with what you say about your stance on Arizona’s “show me your papers” bill. I understand that it is your opinion and I will explain my stance as well. I have very little patience and tolerance for people who commit crimes and knowingly continue to. I understand that we all break the law here and there, I’m guilty of it too, but that would be something petty like speeding up through a yellow light or going 5 over. What I mean by my intolerance is mostly targeted in this case at illegal immigrants. If I were pulled over in the state of Arizona and asked to prove my citizenship I would not find this offensive or considered racial profiling. I would see this as the Officer doing his/her job to protect the LEGAL residents of the state, county or federal government that he/she works for. I personally think that if someone takes offense to this, they are either an illegal immigrant themselves, support illegal immigrants, have family that are illegal immigrants, or too sensitive. I do believe that this bill could be slightly tweaked. Initially, an officer could pull you over for no reason and ask you for your papers. I can see how that could get out of hand. But I think that if this was tweaked a little bit to put some restriction to that, it would work out in every ones benefit. Now again, these are simply my own opinions. They sometimes are a little controversial. I don’t think that you are wrong in what you believe in on this subject. I think that you do bring up valid points. Because of our difference in opinions is the same reason that the world with never “Just get along.”  Hope I made some sense in where I stand on this issue and my opinions. Toodles. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Healthcare Stuff

As we all know healthcare does come in handy. You never know when something is going to happen and you or a family member needs medical treatment. That being said, it's not something that should be mandatory. Even with programs like medicaid and CHIP, this is still a priviledge to have healthcare. Obama is trying to make this mandatory and make companies or persons pay a fine for not having it. Usually the reason that someone doesn't have healthcare is because the high cost of it. I know at my old job, it was cheaper to not have any health insurance than to pay some odd $300+ dollars a month for it.

On Monday July 10, 2012 marked the 31st time that the republicans have voted to repeal the Affordable Health Care Act. Democrats on the other hand are fighting diligently against the republicans to get the bill passed. As I have read through some articles pertaining to the healthcare bill, I have noticed some of the pros and cons to it. There is a part in there that states that insurance companies can no longer deny care or charge an individual more due to a pre-existing condition. I see this as a good thing. i don't believe that someone should be denied care when switching insurance providers or because of a lapse in coverage just because they may have had something like cancer or asthma before.

I pay for my health insurance. Being in the military I get great coverage and and it's not that expensive. I don't  support programs that supply medical care for people who live off of the taxpayers or the government. If I can manage to find the funds to support my family and provide healthcare for them, these people should too. I am very opinionated when it comes to these issues. Too many people are on medicare or are receiving social security benefits that shouldn't be. It may be blunt and even with the state of the economy and job market but, get a job and pay for your own crap. I can support my family but not yours too. I couldn't tell you whether Obamacare is a good thing or a bad thing. Everything has it's pros and cons, and this is one of them. It has a lot of good benefits and a lot of bad benefits but our government must do something and move on to other issues like the state of our economy, national deficit and increasing jobs for the middle class. These are also important issues that need to be resolved. I feel like these issues are not getting as much attention as the healthcare reform crap is. It may just be me but oh well.

Take it or Leave it!

Nicholas J. Quaschnik