Monday, July 30, 2012

Comment on Bianca Tamez' Post

I disagree with what you say about your stance on Arizona’s “show me your papers” bill. I understand that it is your opinion and I will explain my stance as well. I have very little patience and tolerance for people who commit crimes and knowingly continue to. I understand that we all break the law here and there, I’m guilty of it too, but that would be something petty like speeding up through a yellow light or going 5 over. What I mean by my intolerance is mostly targeted in this case at illegal immigrants. If I were pulled over in the state of Arizona and asked to prove my citizenship I would not find this offensive or considered racial profiling. I would see this as the Officer doing his/her job to protect the LEGAL residents of the state, county or federal government that he/she works for. I personally think that if someone takes offense to this, they are either an illegal immigrant themselves, support illegal immigrants, have family that are illegal immigrants, or too sensitive. I do believe that this bill could be slightly tweaked. Initially, an officer could pull you over for no reason and ask you for your papers. I can see how that could get out of hand. But I think that if this was tweaked a little bit to put some restriction to that, it would work out in every ones benefit. Now again, these are simply my own opinions. They sometimes are a little controversial. I don’t think that you are wrong in what you believe in on this subject. I think that you do bring up valid points. Because of our difference in opinions is the same reason that the world with never “Just get along.”  Hope I made some sense in where I stand on this issue and my opinions. Toodles. 

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